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Protein Biology-Biochemistry Engineer

General informations

Place : Marseille, Campus de Luminy
Type of contract : 24-month public-sector project contract with CISAM+ and Aix-Marseille University.
Working time : 100
Employeer : CISAM and Aix Marseille Université
Salary : entre INM 395 (1608€ net) et INM 447 (1819€ net) euros selon l'expérience
Starting on : 2024-09-02
Contract Duration : 24 months
Missions / Activities :

Working as part of the MaSC screening platform (PCML site), the engineer will have to adapt to the experimental conditions and carry out a range of specialized techniques for sample preparation, analysis, characterization and high-throughput robotized screening. More specifically, the person recruited will be responsible for :

- Main activity: Produce and purify viral proteins required for the various projects of the screening platform, as well as proteins associated with these projects (antibodies, VHH, etc.).

- Secondary activity: Develop and/or implement tests to characterize antiviral compounds using biochemical techniques (enzymatic activity and sequencing gel analysis).

- Assist the platform's research engineer in setting up and running screening campaigns (from 500 to 20,000 compounds) and biophysical characterization tests.

- Participate in the implementation of a quality approach by validating protein stocks produced and/or assays developed

- Manage stocks of reagents and consumables and orders for protein production/purification

- Communicate results and reports to the research engineer and platform manager

- Contribution to training students and employees in the use of the platform's equipment

- Training trainees in protein production/purification

- Participate in common laboratory tasks


Qualification : Level 6
Experience : 2 years' experience would be a plus, but not essential
Expected skills :

- Biology/Biochemistry.

- Experience in protein production/purification (ideally E.Coli system)

- Knowledge of AKTA-type purification systems will be a significant plus - Knowledge of biochemical techniques (enzymatic activities, gel sequencing, etc.)

- Knowledge of biophysical and structural techniques (e.g. TSA, thermopheresis, crystallography, cryo-EM...) will be a plus.

- Rigor and organization essential: precision work on robotized systems (AKTA, Mosquito, Beckman 4000, Beckman I5 systems)

- Management of parallel projects and deadlines, in particular respecting deadlines for services

- Traceability of results (archiving, reports, etc.) and quality approach

- Ability to work as part of a team on multiple projects in collaborative and cross-functional mode for both the academic and industrial sectors.

- Ability to work in good health and safety conditions.

- Ability to communicate orally and in writing in English.

- Strong appetite for experimental work, with diversified technological approaches (predominantly technical: "bench" work).


Lastname : Eydoux
Email :


Context : As part of the Architecture and Functions of Biological Macromolecules (AFMB) laboratory, the Marseille Screening Center (MaSC) is a 3-site screening platform specialized in the development and implementation of new technologies dedicated to : - drug design - discovery and characterization of new bioactive molecules - screening of chemical libraries Labelled IBISA in 2022 and Aix-Marseille platform in 2023, MaSC is present as a major player in the search for antiviral and anticancer compounds and inhibitors of protein-protein or protein-ligand interactions. The combination of our experience and know-how, combined with the complementary nature of our facilities, creates a dynamic interface conducive to project development and optimization. MaSC comprises - CRCM's high-throughput screening platform (HiTS) - Marseille Timone viral screening platform (PCVMT) - The Marseille Luminy screening platform (PCML), to which the recruited engineer will be attached. As part of the PIA 4 "Excellences" call for projects, the CISAM+ project led by Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), via the Cité de l'Innovation et des Savoirs d'Aix-Marseille (CISAM) and the A*MIDEX Foundation, has been selected. The MaSC platform is one of the winners, enabling it to recruit an engineer in Biology- Biochemistry for 24-mounth period
Autres informations : To apply, please send your CV + covering letter to : Deadline: May 13, 2024 Scientific skills and know-how : - Knowledge of biochemical techniques (enzymatic activities, gel sequencing, etc.) - Knowledge of biophysical and structural techniques (e.g. TSA, thermopheresis, crystallography, cryo-EM...) will be a plus. - Rigor and organization essential: precision work on robotized systems (AKTA, Mosquito, Beckman 4000, Beckman I5 systems) - Management of parallel projects and deadlines, in particular respecting deadlines for services - Traceability of results (archiving, reports, etc.) and quality approach - Ability to work as part of a team on multiple projects in collaborative and cross-functional mode for both the academic and industrial sectors. - Ability to work in good health and safety conditions. - Ability to communicate orally and in writing in English. - Strong appetite for experimental work, with diversified technological approaches (predominantly technical: "bench" work). Scientific background - Hosting structure : Labelled IBISA in 2022 and Aix-Marseille platform in 2023, MaSC is present as a major player in the search for antiviral and anticancer compounds and inhibitors of protein-protein or protein-ligand interactions. The combination of our experience and know-how, combined with the complementary nature of our facilities, creates a dynamic interface conducive to project development and optimization. MaSC comprises - CRCM's high-throughput screening platform (HiTS) - Marseille Timone viral screening platform (PCVMT) - The Marseille Luminy screening platform (PCML), to which the recruited engineer will be attached. As part of the PIA 4 "Excellences" call for projects, the CISAM+ project led by Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), via the Cité de l'Innovation et des Savoirs d'Aix-Marseille (CISAM) and the A*MIDEX Foundation, has been selected. The MaSC platform is one of the winners, enabling it to recruit an engineer in Biology- Biochemistry for 24-mounth period.